Roofing Inspection. Taunton Roofing.
We can inspect your roof and ascertain any issues. Most commonly people experience leaks of missing tiles. This is not always evident from the ground looking up so you may not be aware you have an issue. Often our inspection can reveal a few tiles may need replacing. We will only recommend a complete new roof if it is really necessary, it often isn't.
The roof is the most important part of your property as it protects everything underneath. If you can a concerned about an issue, or just want to get us to check everything is in good repair, get in touch.
Our overall inspection will check for many issues, this will include:
Cracked, disturbed, curled, missing or slipped tiles and slate
Debris and vegetation - organic matter holds moisture and adds weight, also it doesn't look very nice
Loose and deteriorated nails
Tile lines - Uneven bumps or deviation in the roof structure could be a sign of a weak roof frame
Chimney problems - we check pointing, mortar joints, holes, flashing and general structure
Gutters - are they leaking or dripping, is there a blockage, any rotting, what condition are the timber fascias and soffits
Interior leaks - sagging or wet stains on the properties roof could suggest roof leaks, creeping dampness or structural problems
Condensation, Mould, Fungus, ventilation, moss or algae
Pooling water - trapped water adds weight and could cause further damage
General issues caused by roof wear and tear